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CORONAVIRUS Covid-19 - Perfusion Education | Perfusion Education

Hello, I am Joe Basha, the host of PerfWeb.US and
#perfusion #coronavirus #Covid19
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By now, your professional ​perfusion life, like mine, has been impacted by the latest Covid-19 pandemic. Of course the primary concerns are the health of our patients and our families. No one really knows, at this time, how virulent this virus actually is. Our lack of testing and of having accurate figures on the number of people infected has surely created uncertainty as to the viruses actual frequency of mortality, however, based on the numbers as we know them now, the risk of mortality is about 3 to 4%. Compared to influenza, which is about 1% it seems Covid-19 does have a higher mortality risk, especially in the elderly and chronically ill populations. With that said, I want to talk with you briefly about how you are going to get your required continuing​perfusion education. As of this taping, I have not seen any guidance from the ABCP or AmSECT, or for that matter, The American Academy on how to manage our professional ​perfusion education obligations and requirements. Not one word. It seems this is all entirely up to us to figure out. The ABCP requires that you earn 45 CEU each 3 years. 15 of those 45 must be Category 1. Of those 15, a maximum of 10 may be SDCE or Self Directed Continuing Education. This leaves 5 – Category 1 CEU that must be live. Live means either a conference that you attend in an auditorium or ballroom at a hotel or conference center that is approved for ABCP category 1 CEU, or live during a simulcast of a conference or a webinar like PerfWeb, that is also approved. For the past year and a half, we here at Perfusion Education and PerfWeb have been working really hard to create a high quality, dedicated continuing education site where our perfusion colleagues are able to earn ALL of their ABCP category 1 CEU in one place. Progra​ming that is provocative, lively, informative, enjoyable and most of all, providing information that can be used to help your patients the same day you view any of our programs. We have built this studio with multiple camera ​views, lighting, microphone and sound systems, a call in telephone number, the ability to add faculty speakers remotely, and much more. Just look at it, it’s beautiful and in my view, commensurate with us as perfusion professionals. We learned how to stream to every major social media platform, YouTube, Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn and of course, via our own internal system in our library at We have recruited a long list of exceptional experts so that you can always feel confident that the information you are receiving is of the highest evidence based standard. We are continuously reading and searching for new and exciting topics so that we don’t do like a lot of other resources and conferences and just recycle the same old, same old. We value our perfusion colleagues and I feel confident in saying that we are clearly the best. So, circling back to Covid-19​ or Coronavirus and with the very real probability that travel will be or quite possibly has already been limited for some perfusion professionals, we want to be a part of the solution to these big problems. I am encouraging you to join our growing audience. We are the only dedicated, high quality, online resource where you can earn 100% of your ABCP required CEU at what is a very affordable price and conveniently scheduled to fit into our already busy schedules. So go to this link and join right now, don’t wait!

CORONAVIRUS Covid-19 - Perfusion Education
CORONAVIRUS Covid-19 - Perfusion Education

The ABCP requires that you earn 45 CEU each 3 years. 15 of those 45 must be Category 1. Of those 15, a maximum of 10 may be SDCE or Self Directed Continuing Education.